

There are many students in Kumamoto Gakuen University and I think that they enjoy spending their school life. There are a lot of conveniences in my university. Many students belong to some clubs. Students who have free time after school have some part-time job. Students spend a full school life.

Kumamoto Gakuen University is one of the most lively schools in Kumamoto. There are about 7,000 students there and the campus is always alive with them. There are many students in cafeteria, stand, or library. I think KGU is one of the most vibrant schools in Kumamoto.

There are lots of conveniences in my university. For example, library, bakery, convenience store, beauty salon, and the travel agency. The library is used for finding some books, doing their assignment, listening to music, or watching some movies. I often go to the library when I have some assignments and I like to go to the bakery after school. I go to convenience store to buy something eat for lunch sometimes.

There are many kinds of clubs in KGU and many student belong to some clubs. Most of the club activities are done on every Wednesday. They usually go driving, play bowls, or drink. People who belong to some clubs say "Club activities cost some money but it is fun and members of the club are like my family!". I don't belong to any clubs but I think club activities seem to be fun.

Most of the students of KGU have part-time job. They work at restaurants, bars, convenience stores, and so on. I think students want some money to go and eat out with their friends or someone. Most students work in evening and night. I think part-time job is good to make friends out of KGU and to learn about society.

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