

I'll write about Kumamoto(^_^) Especially my favorite places.

Kumamoto still has a rich natural environment.
Mt. Aso is very good place to feel them. There is the biggest caldera in the world. It takes about an hour from my house to Aso by car and sometimes I go to there with my family, my friends or my boyfriend. I like to stop by a cafe or a place where can see good view.
Kumamoto castle is popular as one of the tourist attracion. It was built by Kiyomasa Kato 400 years ago. It is frequented by tourist or the people of a prefecture all the year around.
I also like downtown in Kumamoto because there are many clothing shops or something interesting shops! I like the shop "Village Vanguard". There are many interesting goods! The concept of the store is "book store where we can pray".
I can drive a car, so I go out to the suburb, too. My favorite shop is "Yoru Cafe". It takes about 30 minutes to the restaurant from my house. I have been there twice but I like there very much! The cooking there is very very good(*´ω`)/ I took my boyfriend there last month and he enjoyed the cooking and atmosphere very much.
There are a lot of nice shops or restaurants near my house and it's a short walk to a shopping mall! I often go PIETRO that is near my house and my friend work part-tome job there. It is a specialty store of pasta.

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